
Our digital collections are sets of digitized items which have been organized either around a common topic, 比如美国独立战争, 或突出显示特定的og体育官网, such as the papers of Thomas Jefferson.


Explore Revolutionary-era portraits and 工件 arranged by topic, by the names of the people depicted in the portraits, 或者根据工件的类型.
A selection of images of Revolutionary-era portraits and 工件 from the Massachusetts Historical Society. This website includes 67 portraits and 48 工件. Included are portraits of Continental Army generals George Washington, 本杰明·林肯, 大卫·科布, and Henry Jackson; patriots John 亚当斯, 保罗·里维尔, 约翰·汉考克, 乔纳森•杰克逊, and Caleb Strong; and loyalists Charles Paxton and Thomas Hutchinson. 工件提供了有形的, physical connection to the individuals who witnessed the Revolutionary era. 其中包括约瑟夫·沃伦的剑, pistols owned by 保罗·里维尔 and Artemas Ward, 还有阿比盖尔·亚当斯的口袋.


Digital edition of the content of the previously printed documentary editions of The 亚当斯 Papers; includes full annotations, 指数, 还有一个搜索工具.

With a fast and comprehensive search tool new in summer 2010, this is the digital edition of the content of the previously printed editions of the Revolutionary-era 亚当斯的论文, a long-standing documentary edition prepared at the Massachusetts Historical Society. This digital edition includes all text of the historical documents, 所有编辑文本, and a single 指数 with consolidated entries for the 16 printed 亚当斯 Papers 指数es. Another forthcoming digital edition will present the 温斯洛普论文, a documentary edition created at the MHS.


Web presentations of hundreds of pages of Jefferson documents selected from the Coolidge Collection of Thomas Jefferson Manuscripts at the MHS.

Featuring selections from the Coolidge Collection of Thomas Jefferson Manuscripts at the Massachusetts Historical Society, 这个数字收藏(标题为, 托马斯·杰斐逊论文: An Electronic Archive) includes Jefferson's manuscript copy of the Declaration of Independence, 农场的书, 花园的书, 书的目录, 还有建筑图纸.


Images and searchable transcriptions of the correspondence between John and Abigail 亚当斯, 约翰·亚当斯的日记, 以及约翰·亚当斯的自传.

This searchable digital collection (entitled, 亚当斯家族文件: An Electronic Archive) presents images of 手稿 and digital transcriptions from the 亚当斯家族文件 including the complete correspondence between John and Abigail 亚当斯, 约翰·亚当斯的日记, 以及约翰·亚当斯的自传.


Primary sources 还有上下文文章 arranged into 15 topics relating to the events leading up to the 美国革命.

In the years between 1764 and 1776, America truly became a nation. 使用字母, 日记, 猛烈抨击, 小册子, 报纸, 地图, 和雕刻, this website brings those tumultuous years to life for students of all ages. The site is organized around fifteen key topics and features 更多的 than 150 documents from the Society's collections. Additional resources include primary-source-based lesson plans developed by middle- and high-school educators, 研究的问题, 还有上下文文章.


Visual materials from the MHS relating to the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment.

The Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment was the first military unit consisting of black soliders to be raised in the North during the 内战. Browse online presentations of 照片 and 猛烈抨击 relating to a notable 内战 army regiment.


Explore a variety of items from the collections selected by the staff of the Massachusetts Historical Society.

Full title: og体育官网: Objects that Fascinate, Interest, and Inspire

og体育官网 connects a selection of compelling, 迷人的, and amusing items from our collection to the backgrounds, 利益, 以及对MHS员工的回忆. Grouped into six categories, we invite you to explore these stories.




  • Lesson plans and other stuff for educators are available at the 历史教学中心.
  • To see specific items that are highlights from our collections see og体育官网了.
  • To search for specific items within most of our online content, use our 全站搜索(Note: not all of our online content is discoverable via the 全站搜索)